
How to take kratom powder – Methods and tips

Southeast Asian Mitragyna speciosa trees produce kratom powder. The stimulant and analgesic properties of kratom have gained popularity in recent years. But how should you take kratom powder properly and safely? 

The simplest and most common way to take kratom powder is called the “toss and wash” method. It involves measuring out your desired dose of kratom powder, placing it directly on your tongue, and washing it down with a drink. Although simple, toss and wash are difficult for kratom beginners. 

  • Start with a low 1-2 gram dose to assess tolerance. 
  • Use a dry powder that doesn’t clump. Wet or clumpy powders stick to the mouth.
  • Have your drink ready – many prefer orange juice to mask the bitter taste.
  • Toss the powder as far back on your tongue then quickly drink before you taste or inhale the powder. Be careful not to inhale powder into your lungs.
  • Some report better effects on an empty stomach so take kratom at least 90 minutes before or after food.

Kratom tea

Another easy ingestion preparation is kratom tea. Kratom’s active alkaloids extract well into hot water so this is an efficient method. Simply add powder to hot (not boiling) water, let steep for 15-20 minutes, strain, and drink. Adding lemon juice helps extract the goodies from the powder. Sweeteners like honey mask the bitter taste. Be careful not to let the tea sit for too long, as extended heating degrades kratom’s alkaloids. And always drink the tea on an empty stomach for better absorption.

Kratom smoothies and juices

You easily blend kratom powder into your favorite smoothies, protein shakes, or fruit juices. Other strong flavors can easily mask the powder’s bitterness. For smoothies, use frozen fruits, milk/yogurt, nuts, chocolate, or peanut butter. For juices, citrus flavors work best to overpower the kratom flavor. You use either freshly squeezed juices or store-bought juices. Start with 1 teaspoon (2 grams) of kratom powder in your drink. Blend thoroughly and drink immediately for maximum potency. This is a tasty way to take advantage of kratom’s effects while enjoying a nutritious beverage.

Mix with food

You get creative and mix kratom powder into various foods. Yogurts and applesauce do a decent job of masking the flavor. Chocolates and peanut butter overpower nearly any taste. Determined users have concocted a variety of edibles – gummies, protein/granola bars, baked goods, and more. When mixing kratom into foods, keep a few things in mind. Fats and acids can aid extraction but proteins may hinder it. So high-fat, high-acid foods work best. And remember that eating delays absorption, so have kratom edibles on an empty stomach for faster effects.

Dosage guidelines

When trying kratom powder for the first time, start low with a 1-2 gram dose. See how your body reacts first. Kratom potency varies widely, and some are more sensitive to its effects. You increase your dose in 0.5-1 gram increments. Most find their sweet spot in the 2-5 gram range. Higher doses like 5-8 grams are considered strong. Anything above 8-10 grams is typically too much for most people. Respect kratom and use the minimum effective dose! It’s wise to keep the dosage under 6 grams. High doses induce nausea and dizziness. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and maintain a stable kratom regimen.