
June 25, 2021


Signs of Outdated Kitchen Cabinets

One of the significant focuses of a home kitchen is its cabinets and drawers. Kitchen cabinets serve as a handful of help for homeowners who want to keep their food preparation area organized and tidy. For this reason, kitchen drawers and cabinets are built using quality wood and hardware materials to make sure that they last through many years. 

But, in reality, as cabinet refacing in San Clemente put it, whether a kitchen cabinet was intended to last for 50 years, its life span can only be for a couple of years due to natural factors that it may encounter.Below are some of the probable signs for when your cabinets and drawers need more TLC from you as a homeowner:

  • Unwanted Smell inside the Cabinet

Over several months and years, kitchen cabinets tend to accumulate dust, debris, and even small amounts of food that grace your storage areas that result in odors that you do not want to stay in the kitchen. Do a regular check and cleaning of the cabinets to avoid the unwanted smell.

  • Difficulty in Opening and Closing Cabinet Doors

If cupboard doors do not quickly go back to the cabinet panel, or if opening it needs more effort, try checking the hinges as it might need to be replaced. Cabinet refacing in Santa Ana says that the same is valid with kitchen drawers. 

When forced to be opened or closed, faulty drawers could make items in the drawer get stuck, creating further damage to the drawers. If drawers get stuck and pulling them requires extra effort from a person, some things need to be check and replaced.


  • Mold Build-Up

Kitchen cabinets refacing in Orange County always see to it that it is a bit away from water sources like pipes in mounting kitchen cabinets. In doing so, exposure to moisture, which invites the growth of molds, is avoided.

To know more about how to spot outdated kitchen storages, see this infographic by Kitchen Cabinet Refacing.

Signs of an Old and Outdated Kitchen Cabinet

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