Professional Business Utilities supplier markets only green and local business utilities on a restricted distribution circuit. Of photovoltaic, hydraulic or wind origin, Urban Solar Energy also allows its customers to choose self-consumption by developing the installation of solar panels.
How self-consumption and the Urban Solar Energy “solar kit” work:
- Urban Solar Energy studies the ideal size of the voltaic power plant to be installed in professional premises according to the roof of the buildings, needs, desires and budget,
- A team installs the equipment,
- A “virtual storage” system allows the pro to fully value his production,
In the event of overproduction, the excess consumption is placed in personal storage.
Call On an Energy Broker
For companies requiring large amounts of energy, the use of an energy broker is strongly recommended. This professional has an acute knowledge of the energy market. Soliciting it allows you to save on your invoices and save time by avoiding comparing the different suppliers yourself.
Indeed, the proliferation of energy players now requires specific expertise from an independent entity to assure professionals that the business utilities contract corresponds to the needs, specificities and specific constraints of the company. To find your way more easily among the offers dedicated to professional consumers, it is therefore recommended to contact an energy broker.
They provides professionals with a tool allowing them to quickly select the most competitive offer in just a few clicks among all the business utilities offers dedicated to professionals on the French market. In order to compare the offers, the pro must have his last invoice and provide certain information concerning the consumption habits of his company. It is then possible to quickly identify the most interesting business utilities supplier for the company.
Connection and Choice of the Power of the EDF Pro Meter
In the event of new construction of professional offices or commercial premises, the company must have its professional electrical installation connected to the public business utilities network. The power of the business utilities meter connection is a value which corresponds to the maximum power that the electrical installation of professional buildings can withstand.
Meter Power and Connection Power, Know the Difference
The power of an electric meter corresponds to the maximum consumption of business utilities that it is possible to receive on its meter at a defined time. It represents the potential of an electrical installation to support the operation of several devices simultaneously. If this value is high, it is then possible to use several devices at the same time. However if the subscribed power is exceeded by adding other devices the installation trips. The power of the meter that the professional will subscribe is to be put in direct relation with the business utilities contract of the professional provided by the energy supplier. This power must therefore always be less than or equal to the power of the electrical connection.
Subscription to a Professional Business Utilities Contract
Some alternative suppliers have positioned themselves in the large business market by marketing standard offers to businesses at the Yellow Tariff.
Large companies requiring more power and achieving high energy consumption are invited to contact an energy comparator or suppliers directly in order to negotiate a personalized business utilities contract according to their needs and their consumption. On the other hand, it is easier for small professionals to contact directly in order to find an offer that perfectly matches the company’s needs.