
Interesting teaching techniques that will help one conduct classes with ease

Interesting Teaching

It’s hard for any teacher to keep students interested in their lessons, but it’s especially hard during holidays and school breaks. While I was a teacher, I used a whiteboard for teaching online. It was much easier and even better than a blackboard. A whiteboard for teaching online is the best tool to keep students engaged. You ask how. Well, the whiteboard for online teaching allows you to write, present, and use it as a projection screen, among other things.

The whiteboard for teaching online is a very modern yet very easy technique and tool.

As a teacher, you might have a class of students that you just can’t seem to keep interested in. It appears that every student is completely bored, regardless of what you do. Students won’t learn what they need to know to pass your class if they aren’t paying attention and are distracted.

To make up for lost time and catch up with students’ academic completion, all educational institutions worldwide have been forced to immediately adopt online educational methods as a result of Corona’s onslaught. It does have benefits, but there are drawbacks as well.

Since this was a big, sudden change in discipline for schools, teachers, and students, changes had to be planned and put into place on the fly. Every aspect of putting together successful virtual classroom sessions using a whiteboard for teaching online—from the teaching method to the use of technology and other components—needed a fresh start.

1. Learn new things together

It is much more enjoyable for everyone when students and teachers collaborate to learn new things.

2. Use Virtual whiteboard for teaching online

Thoughts can always be expressed more effectively in writing than in spoken form. If the lectures are only spoken, students might miss a lot of important points.

Because of the new virtual ways of teaching, the old way of taking notes has also changed and become virtual. Online whiteboards are commonplace at this time.

There are a lot of different online tutoring programs with features that will help you teach better. You can use text, connectors, and images on these whiteboards. You can employ various techniques, including mind mapping, Venn diagrams, flowcharts, and graphic representation.

3. Make the sessions interactive

If you want your students to be engaged in the material you’re teaching them, make it interactive.

4. Experiment with presentations that are graphic.

One of the most effective means of presenting an idea is through presentations. It appears that approximately 65% of people are visual learners. In addition to lectures, creative slides and other visuals can help students remember the information much better.

It doesn’t work to use only your words or to rely entirely on the slides. A balance should be achieved. Additionally, have regular conversations with your students. As a result, they’ll continue to be engaged and have easier concentration. Students can also be given the responsibility of giving presentations.

Try these techniques, and your class will be absolutely interactive.